Social Structure

From Silver Sun Republic Codex


The Social Structure of the Silver Sun Republic is based around social classes that are generally tied to economic standing, however, there is some leeway in terms of some of the ranks as upward mobility is much more dynamic and fluid than most cultures. The successful winning of a political campaign in an election can quickly elevate a member into the ranks of the social elite. This is not to say that a beggar may become a Senator overnight, but the potential is there through hard work and dedication. The point is that no one is barred from advancing due to their economic status, however, it may make things a little easier to have a few coins at your disposal.

Classical Social Structure

The previous ranking system was based around classical Greece or Macedonia and Rome being tweeked a bit to match the style of the Tindremene Empire from the MMORPG Mortal Online which reflects back upon the aforementioned cultures. The Tindremenes had adopted a caste based system that restricts mobility based upon economic stature. The Silver Sun Republic of old shared similarities in that non-human blooded races will never achieve the absolute highest levels of social status, but differs in that they may rise much further based upon their own merit.

Social ranks are also different from any other positions or ranks within the Republic. Some positions bring with it a rung on the social ladder, but all the social ranks may be earned without ever holding an official position within the nation. An individual can stay a private citizen their entire life and rise from a newly arrived Immigrant to the social elite of the Nobilitas.

Classical Social Ranks

Please see Classical Social Ranks for specific details regarding the old rank structure.

Current Social Structure

In Life is Feudal, the Republic has adopted an early Renaissance Florence structure that builds off of previous systems, but gives it a unique style that fits the feudalistic nature of the game. Social tiers are still tied to economic and political freedom, but allow for a logical flow of moving up through the ranks based on where in the Republic one resides.

Social Progression

A brand new citizen will start as an Immigrant being brought into the capital city to register with one of the Prefects and offered beginniner training as well as starter equipment. Once an Immigrant has demonstrated basic competency, registered on the forums and logged onto the Discord server they are assigned to a Fiefdom or Baronetcy and promoted to Contadino or Commoner. From here they report to their new location to work the land and begin their life as a citizen of the Republic.

Those who are Contadino will work the land for their Liege Lord in exchange for shelter, security, equipment and mentorship in their chosen tradecraft. Each Liege Lord may also maintain their own military for defense and to answer the Doge’s Call to Arms. Terms for military service and working the land are handled within each Fiefdom or Baronetcy. Once a Contadino has earned the trust of their Liege Lord then they may be promoted to Popolano or Freeman/Free Populace. A Freeman may stay on as a Tenant, paying rent on the land, but now also keeping a portion of their harvested resources or trade goods. Depending on the terms, the Popolano may have to buy their own equipment or continue to enjoy free equipment from the Liege Lord.

Once a Popolano has earned enough money or trade goods they may move to the city on their own and rent property there. Some may chose to continue renting property in their Fiefdom and own property in the city, especially if they are looking to become a merchant or enterprising artisan. Those who are capable of doing so, may start their own business, hiring on other artisans and buying/selling resources from the various Fiefdoms and Baronetcies.

Popolano or even Contadino who are more interested in service to the Republic may volunteer as officers. Those who are accepted (if they are Contadino), automatically become Popolano and are released from their feudal obligations entering into service of the Republic. Officers are known as Cittadino and live in apartments provided by the Republic with their equipment and a small stipend depending upon the position. Prefects are members of the Ministry of State and are law enforcement and guides for new members. Clerks are senior officers of the Ministry of State and function in a more general administrative role dealing with logistics, finances, higher matters of justice and other issues. Heralds are senior members of the Executive Ministry dealing with diplomacy, civic matters, oversight of meetings and courts, registration of coats of arms and the lore of the Republic. They have junior officers known as Pursuivants that are learning how to be full Heralds.


Trial Members. Newcomers to the Republic who will be quickly promoted should they achieve several tasks to include 1. Joining the Discord Server, 2. Following the Immmigration process by responding to the Discord Bot and 3. Staying active in the community.

Immigrants will promoted to full citizens after being awarded a Letter of Citizenship.


Commoners. The first full rank of citizenship in the Republic. A Contadino is someone who works the land for a feudal lord as part of a Fiefdom or Baronetcy. The liege lord provides shelter, tools, food and defense to their vassals in exchange for the raw materials that are gathered and labor that is provided. Feudal lords may release the vassalage of a Contadino promoting them to Popolani at their discretion.


Free Citizens. A Popolano is a citizen of the Republic who is still a vassal of the Doge, but is free to live anywhere in the realm and may purchase or rent plots within any of the cities or villages of the nation. Some Popolani may chose to stay within the Fiefdom or Baronetcy where they were released for a negotiated salary and rent payment to take advantage of the work available to them. Many lesser nobles host House Smiths or other artisans to provide for their estates.


Civil Citizens. A Cittadino is one who offers their service to the Republic as an officer serving as a Herald, Pursuivant, Clerk, Prefect, Podesta, Commerciante or as a member of the Doge's Garrison. Cittadino either live in public apartments or rent/own housing on their own terms and earn a wage from the coffers of the ministries.


Patricians. A Patrizio is a Grand Citizen who has achieved a social rank through service to the government, election by the people or by economic means being recognized by the Republic for their achievements and contributions. Ministers, Priors, Senators, Podestas (Mayors) and owners of Licensed Artisan and Military Companies are generally recognized as Patrizi.

The position of a Patrizi may also be purchased through the spending of Loyalty Points through the Membership Loyalty Program.


Equites. An Eques is a special rank, specifically Knights or Baronets who are considered Nobile Minore. The titles are hereditary and do not necessarily carry the grant of lands, although they are considered candidates for future land grants. Those who begin as Court Baronets or Knight Bachelors are specifically those who are not landed. As part of the lore and history of the Republic, the "Horse Lords" or Equites provided the military with vast supplies of horses for the cavalry based armies of ancient times. They were considered part of the lower castes of the economic hierarchy until their herds catapulted the Republic forward in military might leading to explosive growth of its lands. In short order, the Equites were elevated to an almost noble status flooded with wealth and favor by the upper echelons of Republic society.

The Golden Book or Libro d'Oro lists those who are of the Eques rank.


Nobles. Also titled Nobile Majore. The true nobility of the Republic counting among its ranks the landed lords and ladies of the realm. The Doge or Duke himself stands atop the noble families with Barons and Counts with their many houses rounding out the pinnacle of Republic society.

The Nobile are listed in the Golden Book or Libro d'Oro


Zingari are vagabonds, paupers and gypsies. They are those who for whatever reason chose to live a life of poverty or have been forced into it by circumstances beyond their control.